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What I Love.

September 9, 2013 by sanjanal622   



Volleyball: Bump, set and spike. I pretty much hear those words 24/7. I love volleyball so much because its cool to learn all the different techniques and it is just so fun. I started playing in 4th grade and ever since I feel like I have improved a lot. Whenever I play I feel happy, I love it!

Singing: I love to sing! Singing has always been something I have enjoyed since I was a little girl. Whether it’s singing to the radio or just singing in choir, I always find joy in singing. I have performed many times and I love to entertain people. I pretty much sing where ever I am, in the shower or in the car!

Fashion: When I was little I used to love to dress up all my dolls. I’d love to see what tops go with what skirts or what shoes matches the outfit. Even today I love to dress up myself and its so fun to make new outfits. I like to show of my fashion whether its at school or just at the mall.

Watching Movies: I absolutely love watching movies. Even if they are three hours long. I always love to see what happens next in the movie. My favorite types of movies would probably be romance, comedy or just chick flicks. I like those genres because you can also get a good laugh out of them.

Baking:Baking is something that I can do anytime I want. I have made so many things like flan, red velvet cookies, molten lava cake, and marble cake. Its also really exciting and fun to make and decorate the cakes. I also love to see the finished look because I’m normally really proud. I also love to see if people like my type of dessert. I just love to create!



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